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Archive Collections:

Photograph Collections

Photographs held in the VGHSONAA Archive. The subjects include graduating classes, nursing students’ activities, hospital architecture, class reunions, and alumnae gatherings. Photographs range from the late 19th century through to the present day.

Document Collections

Documents held in the VGHSONAA Archive, including files, newspaper clippings, and individual documents from the decades in which the School of Nursing was in operation. Coming soon!

Historic Archival Books

Coming soon!


Coming soon!

Museum Collections:

Nursing Equipment Collection

A collection of antique and historical nursing equipment maintained by the VGHSONAA Museum.

Pins and Silver Collections

Medals, class pins, student pins, armorial patches, and a wide range of silver holloware items in the collections of the VGHSONAA Museum.

Doll Collection

Dolls depicting past uniforms of VGH Nursing students, graduates, and figures in the history of nursing.

Textiles Collection

Textile items in the VGHSONAA Museum collections, including uniforms, capes, nursing student spirit wear, military kit, and more.