September 1957- 65 Reunion in May 2023

September 1957- 65 Reunion in May 2023

Last May those of us September 1957’s who were able gathered for lunch at Van Dusen Gardens to officially celebrate our 65th anniversary. Several of our classmates sent their good wishes but were unable to come.

We were delighted to welcome “Mickey” (Jean Eleanor MacDonald) Evoy, who finally made it from Florida for her first ever Class Reunion. It was great fun catching up with her after 65 years! She had a long and interesting career in nursing as does her daughter.

Best, Arden Kidd

Pictured standing (lt. to rt): Bonnie (Spearing) Yarmak, Joyce (Sebryk) Roberts, June (Nemis) Cocking, Arden (Gardner) Kidd, Thelma (Fisher) Kilburn, Judy (Markstrom) Langstaff and “Mickey” Jean Eleanor (MacDonald) Evoy.

Seated: Lerae (Parrott) Brigden, Peggy (Matterson) Hamilton, Alma (Hammer) Jones,

Chris (Buchanan) Knight, and Dawn (Kirschke) Church.

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Arriving at The Galiano Inn, the classmates enjoyed three days of memory sharing and lots of laughter. Dinner at The Hummingbird Pub was followed by the RCMP costumed escort and members in capes, caps, and scissors as Edythe arrived with The Torch. The self-appointed Health Clinic Nurses were presented with a Clinic Kit to ensure a safe night for all.

Gathering for breakfast the next day, the members completed quizzes, sang a revised Adjustment Song, opened Goody Bags, and heard Joan’s evaluation review complete with prizes. The Health Clinic was opened and several remedies were demonstrated before Ocean Potion was served to all.

Following Free Time to explore or relax, the group gathered near The Gazebo to hear and view Memories that some had never heard before.

Prior to dinner, a tribute to Charlotte Wynne was read and Moon River was sung. The Memorial Book was available for viewing. Following dinner, a new Alphabet for Seniors was presented and then The Squirelles Decades Tour channeling ABBA was revealed! The costumes and act were the highlight of the evening. Door prizes and special gifts were distributed.